StoWiki/ blog/ general/ Tired and Burn Out

I'm starting to be really tired, probably burn out, with my current work. I believe I'm doing a good work, but when it seems that the people in charge does not know what they want nor care about what is being done and the once supposed co-workers (now luckily transformed into customers) loose absolutely your respect after insulting your intelligence and, from my point of view, calumniate yourself directly (sending an e-mail) or indirectly (saying nothing about the message), things start to look bad.

I understand that we don't live in Wonderland, but it is difficult for me to work on a complex technical project like the development and deployment of a distribution without a real management:

Oh, well, I know I need a salary to eat and when you find one that looks is going to be the work, is sad to see that it is not; that is the second time it happens to me, the lack of interest on doing a good work of others, my real problem with sincerity (I usually say what I think, and people is not used to listen to it, I can be wrong, but at least I'm not going behind the back of anybody, as others do) and the climate it generates tells me that I have to move on, there's nothing to win and much to loose, at least on the personal side.

I don't know how long I'll stay on my current work (I'm not going to leave without a replacement, I have a family), but I'm going to look at the job offers again and to send CV's out. Wish me luck.

Ah, BTW, if someone has a decent offer for someone with experience in systems administration, programming in general or Debian development in particular please send me an email ... ;)