StoWiki/ blog/ free-sw/ My Master Thesis and the 2nd OCS Online Congress

I don't understand why, but lately I have the feeling that a lot of things are happening at the same time.

On the professional side, a couple of weeks ago I got the confirmation that my contract as part time teacher at the University was going to be extended for the next course and last week the company I work for changed my temporary contract to a permanent one (that was a real surprise for me, but hey, it was a good one).

On the personal side, last Monday I decided that it was time to start working on my Master Thesis; I really need to, at least if I want to finish it soon, I already left my PhD four years ago and now that I've started again I want to finish it ASAP.

My Thesis is going to be about the Free Software Movement, but I have so many things to talk about (and to read about) that I don't know where to start from.

As lately I'm more a sysadmin than a researcher, I started to prepare my own computing infrastructure and created a personal subversion repository. Once I had it ready I organized all my previous works and stored them on it; now that it is working I'll probably end up putting all my work under this repo, just to have everything (documents, Debian packages, my own projects and scripts, etc) together in one place (and with version control !).

Now that I'm working on my Thesis I'm more interested in preparing papers and communications for Congresses and when I saw in Barrapunto an article about the 2nd OCS On-line Congress I tried to see what it was about going to the Congress' main page, but I found that it was written in flash and not having it I was unable to see the rest of the site.

As I was a little bit upset I posted a comment to the article saying that I disliked the fact that I was unable to enter the site using a simple web browser and remembering this rant about flash.

The good thing is that someone from the Congress organization was listening and they fixed the problem adding a redirection for browsers that don't support flash. With only this change I've been able to skip the intro and see the rest of the web, that only needs HTML support.

Probably I'll prepare a paper for the Congress, it's in my research line and is a good way to force myself to work on my thesis.