I'm not very interested on Conferences lately because I'm quite busy and I want to spend more time with my son, so I have not sent any paper or proposal anywhere.
About a month ago, just after the paper acceptance deadline of the IIOSC was over, I received an inivitation from the organization to go to Málaga (I sent a paper and presented it on the first conference) and after thinking about it I accepted their offer; it is not going to cost me money and is going to be only one and a half days, I'll take it as a short break.
Once I accepted I had to think about what to talk about. As I've been hacking a lot on my the implementation of the CDD Toolkit during the latest weeks (now renamed to CDDT, a shorter and less confusing name than CDDTk), I decided to prepare a talk called Design and implementation of the Custom Debian Distributions Toolkit (CDDT).
It is going to be a short talk (15 min. more or less), so I only plan to use 8 or 9 slides to describe the current and planned functionality of the CDDT implementation and show how it is used now and how will be used on the future.
If anyone is interested the current packages and documentation of the toolkit are available installing the metapackage cddt from the apt source:
deb http://people.debian.org/~sto/cddt/ ./
It is not finished, but things are evolving quite fast now; almost all the runtime functionality is there, the tools package is not finished but what is done is fully functional if you do some of the things by hand and the plan is to automate them ASAP, my idea is to write a debhelper script (dh_cddt) and a set of cdbs rules to be included on the debian/rules of the CDD source packages.
The only missing component is the integration with the debian-installer, it can be done (and in fact is done) by hand but I'ld prefer to develop new tools to do things more automatically.
Once I finish the latest components I'll upload the package to Debian experimental and will move the repository to alioth, I hope that it will be sooner than later.