I arrived to Valencia from Madrid at 21:00h. this afternoon. The way back has been better than I expected, we have taken the bus to the airport in Florence at 10:30 and we got the plane to Milan without problems, in fact the fight has been faster than what announced. After waiting for an hour in Milan we took the plane to Madrid and, despite taking off late, it arrived almost 20 minutes before the hour.
After dinner I was supposed to go to sleep, but I have made the mistake of booting the laptop to review my e-mail. I've found the usual ton of un-cached SPAM (I have to review my Spam Assassin configuration, it's just that cleaning the un-filtered SPAM daily is not so hard, so I don't take the time to fix it) and an interesting message to debian-custom from Benjamin Mako Hill about Ubuntu and CDDs that references an entry on his blog. I'll probably post something about it here tomorrow and will answer on the debian-custom thread, now I'm too sleepy and it's late.
Anyway, the stay in Florence has been nice: I've had some vacations and the workshop will probably have positive effects in the not so distant future. Of course I would have liked to discuss more about technical issues there, but maybe is good for me to have more time to use the available tools before trying to improve them... :)