Now I'm in the Malpensa airport (Milan), waiting to take a plane to Florence, were I have a workshop about Custom Debian Distributions tomorrow.
I have booted the laptop because I'm sitting under an advert that says: Qui internet veloce e senza fili. (Here fast and wireless internet), but I've plugged the WiFI card and unluckily you have to pay to use it; I'm leaving in 20 minutes, so it makes no sense to spend the money, I'm almost sure that this afternoon or tomorrow I will have connectivity, so...
Yesterday we (my girlfriend and I) had a very weird day; to get cheeper plane tickets we went from Valencia to Madrid by car (my father lives there, so we had a place to sleep), but after 120Km. I found out that I had left my wallet at home, so we had to go back...
I called my mother and told her to go to my house and verify that, as I imagined, the wallet was on my desk. She took it and went with her car to Bunyol (a village that is about 30 Km. away from Valencia) to meet us.
At the end a 350 Km and 3:30 hours trip endend up beeing a 550 Km. and 5:30 hours one, and we were lucky for two reasons: we found out that I had left my wallet early and my mother was able to come to meet us; the way back home took her an hour and a half, so we fixed the problem in a short period of time.
Anyway we went to bed at 1:00 a.m. and woke up at 5:00 a.m., so we are quite tired now, I suppose we will sleep this afternoon at the Florence Hotel.
NOTE: Entry uploaded from the conference.