StoWiki/ blog/ general/ Summertime, change times

After less than a week of vacation I've decided it was time to write a short blog entry, as I plan to write at least another one in some days, as we are waiting the arrival of Marc, our second son, for this week or the next one.

In the last months I haven't done what I said in my last posts, I'm quite busy with the rest of my life and blogging or keeping my home computing infrastructure is not on the top list.

Anyway I still have managed to do some things like giving a talk about virtualization on the VII Jornades de Programari Lliure, not going to Debconf8 (next year should be the one, the conference is in Spain and I have enough time to prepare it, including a possible trip with all the family) or do a partial server migration at home, leaving two machines to do the work of one.

My plan for the migration has changed and if time permits I'll try to do it in the next couple of weeks; now I plan to move my current servers to an ASUS EeePC with 2GB of RAM and an external USB disk (it is a lot smaller and the hardware is still faster than my old server) and I'll use OpenVZ instead of Linux-Vserver for virtualization (OpenVZ enabled kernels are available for Lenny).